Protecting the environment of planet Earth is a job for all people across the globe no matter what country they reside in. It is the most valuable resource mankind has, and steps can be taken by both individuals and businesses to limit the harm done to the environment on both micro and macro levels. To call attention to the potential hazards to the Earth and the environment, Earth Day is celebrated around the world each April the 22nd.

Earth Day is an event that started in 1970 as a way to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The goal of the day and the events around it is to bring attention to the vital importance of protecting our planet and to bring people together while doing it. The campaign for Earth Day 2017 is Environmental & Climate Literacy. Because education is the foundation for progress, the best way to foster change is to teach people about the concepts of climate change and make them aware of the potential threat to our planet. Environmental groups around the world will be hosting events to educate their community on the things they can do to limit the pollution they contribute, and the steps they can take to make a positive impact on the environment.
At Cheever Specialty Paper & Film we recognize that many of our customers would like to take steps to help the environment whenever possible. Many times this can mean using products and materials that are environmentally friendly or green. With our over 75 years of experience designing, and sourcing specialty paper, film and tape for the manufacturing and packaging industries, we have the experience to get you the products you need. Our capabilities allow us to provide products like papers or tapes that are made of recyclable materials of various percentages to help you lessen your negative impact on the environment. Our team can also work with you figure out the best materials for your projects requirements that are cost effective while still being environmentally friendly.
For more information on how we can assist you with your paper, film, and tape needs, please contact us.